Was Julia Child into organic or healthful cooking?
On Tue, 27 Apr 2010 09:40:08 -0500, barbie gee >
>On Tue, 27 Apr 2010, Stu wrote:
>> On Tue, 27 Apr 2010 14:14:48 +0100, Janet Baraclough
>> > wrote:
>>> The message
>>> >
>>> from "E.A.T. Hoffmann" > contains these words:
>>>> It seems a lot of her recipes are too greasy and unhealthy by today's
>>>> health guidelines.
>>>> IMHO she was a great wit prone to slapsticks like Martin Yan,
>>>> entertaining to watch, but I would not recommend her recipes for
>>>> people who are trying to lose weight or eat healthy.
>>> You might care to consider that in her day, morbid obesity was very rare.
>>> "fat" people had a slight pot belly and minor lovehandles. Fat children
>>> were unknown.
>>> People ate far more fresh food, 3 meals a day.
>>> Less processed food, less grazing, and they were more physically active.
>>> Janet.
>> .....and the kids were safe to play and run all day, usually ending up
>> at a friends place for lunch, they played outside from morning to
>> night. It's not safe for the kids to do something like that now.
>we've only convinced ourselves it's "not safe"
Not convinced, it is NOT safe... because today there is no
parenting... in virtually all households with young children both
parents work full time (if there even are both parents). Kids are
either shuffled off to lock down storage facilities or left to roam at
lodge, neither offers real safety. Today's kids don't have a normal
childhood... they won't have a normal adulthood either, hard
work/dedication is no longer rewarded and the concept of permanent
employment is pretty much extinct... life is very tenuous for all but
will be especially so for the ensuing generations. The world is a
much less safe place, for everyone, not just kids.