Was Julia Child into organic or healthful cooking?
blake murphy wrote:
> On Tue, 27 Apr 2010 09:53:32 -0600, gloria.p wrote:
> > Where do you live? Not many places are still safe to turn kids loose.
> >
> > Do you read the newspaper? It was very safe in my children's day.
> > Not today. There are too many people out there searching for kids
> > to molest and feeling entitled to do so.
> no, i think it's that no matter where you live, you hear about every
> ****ing child molester in the entire country. it's more hysteria than
> anything else.
I find it hard to believe the rate of child abuse
has changed much in the last century or so.
I suspect that in the past, people were more
likely to keep quiet about it.
Sort of like cancer. People didn't talk about
cancer as much in the old days.