Label switching theft (was Chicken fat)
In article
bulka > wrote:
> On Apr 28, 1:30*am, Sqwertz > wrote:
> > On Tue, 27 Apr 2010 20:22:20 -0500, zxcvbob wrote:
> > > I bought a 10 pound bag of chicken leg quarters Saturday, and boiled
> > > half of them
> >
> > Boiled.
> >
> > I stop reading here.
> >
> > -sw
> I buy the $0.69/lb bags a lot.
> Break 'em down. Drumsticks with skin. Skinned, sometimes boned,
> thighs. Tonight's dinner and/or the freezer. Ribs, tails, bones,
> other misc. into the stockpot (always fresh soup here). Skin and fat
> rendered to schmaltz i gribbenz. Nothing wasted. No boiling until
> the stock.
> B
Whole chickens have been cheap lately, as low as $.88 per lb. People
sometimes steal the labels off of them to either stick on to more
expensive, larger chickens or (I found that out when I called the store
about my missing label), they stick them on more expensive packages of
meat and the cashiers miss it.
I bought one very small $.88 per lb. chicken that cost less than $3.00.
It was under 4 lbs. I know it had a label when I took it from the bin
but I noted when I got home, the label had been torn off and there was
paper residue on the package so I know it did not fall off!
I was watching the bagger and not paying attention to the cashier so I
know he is the one that did it. I called the store and told them about
They said it was not uncommon and hard for them to control that. I take
advantage of sales rather than stealing. :-(
I'd never even considered doing something like that!
Peace! Om
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*Only Irish *coffee provides in a single glass all four *essential food groups: alcohol, caffeine, sugar *and fat. --Alex Levine