Was Julia Child into organic or healthful cooking?
On Wed, 28 Apr 2010 10:28:05 -0400, Zeppo wrote:
> "Jeßus" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On Tue, 27 Apr 2010 12:09:41 -0700, Mark Thorson >
>> wrote:
>>>blake murphy wrote:
>>>> On Tue, 27 Apr 2010 09:53:32 -0600, gloria.p wrote:
>>>> > Where do you live? Not many places are still safe to turn kids loose.
>>>> >
>>>> > Do you read the newspaper? It was very safe in my children's day.
>>>> > Not today. There are too many people out there searching for kids
>>>> > to molest and feeling entitled to do so.
>>>> no, i think it's that no matter where you live, you hear about every
>>>> ****ing child molester in the entire country. it's more hysteria than
>>>> anything else.
>>>I find it hard to believe the rate of child abuse
>>>has changed much in the last century or so.
>>>I suspect that in the past, people were more
>>>likely to keep quiet about it.
>>>Sort of like cancer. People didn't talk about
>>>cancer as much in the old days.
>> There's also infinitely more carcinogens in daily life these days.
>> Jeßus
>> May God protect you from his followers.
> Perhaps, but I recall from my youth that no one talked about cancer out
> loud. I never did understand that. Someone got colon cancer and the news was
> spread in whispers and never discussed out lout. It made it sound as if
> either the sick person was at fault or it was the work of the devil. No one
> could ever explain the reason for this nonsense.
well, of course. anything that happens to anyone else is their fault (or
maybe even 'they deserved it') while nothing that happens to you is your
disease as a marker of god's disfavor has a long history.
your pal,