Thread: Chicken fat
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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Chicken fat

On Wed, 28 Apr 2010 11:30:45 -0400, "James Silverton"
> wrote:

> Felice wrote on Wed, 28 Apr 2010 11:12:33 -0400:
>> Never mind how he got it, the result is:

>>> I strained the fat into a pint canning jar; it's almost full to the
>>> top, and it's a darker yellow now than it started out.
>>> Bob

>> It's liquid gold, Bob, liquid gold. Keep up posted on all the good
>> stuff you do with it!

>Go to a store, not necessarily a completely Kosher one, and buy some
>Schmaltz if you like the stuff.

Fat skimmed from atop cooking liquid is NOT schmaltz, it's garbage...
only fit to slop hogs... I save skimmed fat in my freezer to feed
wintering birds... when it's 10ºF out that fat stays solid, at that
temperature wild birds need all the fat calories they can get.

Most any stupidmarket, especially in So Cal, sells schmaltz, in jars,
usually found somewhere in the refrigerated fresh meat case but also
in the refrigerated case near where they display kosher provisions,
sometimes near the prepared horseradish... I've even seen jars of
kosher schmaltz right along side the lard... doesn't matter, folks who
keep kosher don't shop in a food store that's not entirely kosher.