More editing problems
"Serene Vannoy" > wrote
> As a professional copy editor and proofreader, I'd also say that *every*
> project goes to press with some mistakes, no matter how many people proof
> it. It's just the nature of the beast that some errors (especially words
> and phrases we see all the time and are expecting to be a certain way,
> like "black pepper") are hard to spot in a large work.
I agree with you. A couple of years ago, I received in the mail a nice
color printed brochure for a commercial painting contractor. A few nice
photos, catchy headline, but the rest was not proofed at all. It was
loaded with a bunch of simple typos, such as th3e, fro (for for) that are
easily made by anyone typing faster than they should. I emailed the owner
and told him I'd never trust a company to paint my building if they could
not catch simple errors. Needless to say, the wrong file was used and not
caught by the printer and the company owner was very embarrassed with the
mailing of a couple of thousand of them.