Was Julia Child into organic or healthful cooking?
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Was Julia Child into organic or healthful cooking?
On Thu, 29 Apr 2010 14:04:52 +0000 (UTC),
(Steve Pope) wrote:
>On Thu, 29 Apr 2010 05:42:21 -0700, sf > wrote:
>>In the "old days", even the '60's, the hope to survive was slim to
>>none for cancer. It was what it was. I don't remember whispers or
>>superstitions. People did what they could afford to do, but even Mayo
>>Clinic was in its infancy of fighting cancer successfully.
>The ability to treat cancer has definitely improved, but what
>has really mushroomed is the ability of the the medical researchers
>and their market brand to claim the ability to do so.
>I have noticed a recent marketing campaign that flatly states, "We can
>end cancer". One of these deals where already overfunded medical
>researchers want more donations from the public, so they'll say anything
>I guess.
Recent? Since forever there have been charlatans pushing elixers they
swore could heal all that ails you.
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