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sf[_19_] sf[_19_] is offline
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Default More editing problems

On Wed, 28 Apr 2010 10:44:36 +0100, "Ophelia" >
>"sf" > wrote in message
.. .
>Anyway, why are you not in China? I have a bottle here with your name on

I *am* in China, but I'm not posting about it. Because of the
censorship in China, I can't access Facebook, Picasa, Photobucket or
Flickr so I can't post links to albums and I can only go a little way
with tinypic... but I've been too busy to organize my pictures anyway
so it's a moot point. I log into the chat channel (when I have
internet access) early morning and late evening Bejing time, but you
don't do chat so I can't keep you updated that way.

I was in Lhasa for the last two days, which should have been three -
but all flights were cancelled due to a sandstorm. Frankly, I'd never
thought about sand at 11,000 ft. I went to 16,000 ft today - weird
sensation: my entire face tingled. I took a picture of what I thought
was the highest public toilet in the world, but Flickr has one that
says 17,000. I got the caption part but not pictures - censorship is
weird. Frankly I was shocked I could access usenet. Anyway, I also
took a picture of the bottle of Lhasa beer that was served at lunch,
but I have no way to post it. One person on the trip says she can
access her personal web site, but I don't have one so that's no help.

We're back in Szechwan province now (city of Chengdu), where we
finally had a meal made without a lot of oil and salt. We're off to
the panda preserve tomorrow. Thanks for asking.

As they say in Tibet calee shoo! (spelled phonetically, of course) It
means "be good" but it's their way of saying goodbye.

I love cooking with wine.
Sometimes I even put it in the food.