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Cindy Hamilton[_2_] Cindy Hamilton[_2_] is offline
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Default Was Julia Child into organic or healthful cooking?

On Apr 29, 9:53*am, brooklyn1 > wrote:
> On Thu, 29 Apr 2010 05:42:21 -0700, sf > wrote:
> >On Wed, 28 Apr 2010 10:28:05 -0400, "Zeppo" > wrote:

> >>Perhaps, but I recall from my youth that no one talked about cancer out
> >>loud. I never did understand that. Someone got colon cancer and the news was
> >>spread in whispers and never discussed out lout. It made it sound as if
> >>either the sick person was at fault or it was the work of the devil. No one
> >>could ever explain the reason for this nonsense.

> >>Even my parents, who were pretty open about most things with us kids, were
> >>very superstitious on this subject.

> >In the "old days", even the '60's, the hope to survive was slim to
> >none for cancer. *It was what it was. *I don't remember whispers or
> >superstitions. *People did what they could afford to do, but even Mayo
> >Clinic was in its infancy of fighting cancer successfully.

> Back then parents/adults weren't eager to discuss serious health
> issues with young children, they had far more respect for childhood...
> back then the Tooth Fairy was the big childhood health issue. *Of
> course back then it was difficult not to discuss polio, it was hard to
> hide leg braces and iron lungs. *Today most mothers and fathers aren't
> parents... it's not possible to parent and hold a full time job
> -utside the home. *

Oh, bullshit. I was raised by a single mother and she actually
parented me. Of course, that was back when parents could still
spank without having Child Protective Services haul them in.

If I had a nickel for each time I heard "Because I'm the mother!"
retirement would be imminent.

>Today's moms and dads treat their kids as
> contemporaries even from before they can walk. *A soccer mom is NOT a
> parent.

So, it's not so much employment status as parenting approach, then.
Thanks for clearing that up.

Cindy Hamilton