Sky wrote:
> Better get that Gulf of Mexico shrimp and other seafood fast before the
> stocks at the stores are gone. Prices are bound to rise drastically -
> if not already - due to that oil drilling platform fiasco (my thoughts &
> prayers for the workers that died and were injured) there. Not to
> mention the horrible ecological impact to the US States on the Gulf, too
( What a horrible tragedy in so many ways that will impact so many
> for so long.
Funny, all reports have indicated minimal potential impact to gulf
seafood from the incident. Reports also indicate minimal risk of impact
to the shoreline.
This isn't like the Exxon Valdeze, where millions of gallons of crude
were released close to shore with no warning, this is far out in the
gulf, with many days of warning and preparation time for containment,
and the heavy congealed oil doesn't seem to be getting close to shore,
just the light sheen which evaporates and isn't a significant risk.