What measuring cup to get?
On 4/29/2010 6:14 PM, sueb wrote:
> On Apr 29, 2:36 pm, > wrote:
>> On Thu, 29 Apr 2010 11:46:11 -0400, "J. Clarke"
>> > wrote:
>>> Just broke my 1 cup Fire-King measuring cup that I've have for so long I
>>> don't remember when I got it. Was about to go out and get another one
>>> when it occurred to me that I'm seeing all kinds of fancy measuring cups
>>> in the stores--are any of them worthwhile improvements over the ordinary
>>> Pyrex/Fire King/whatever glass ones?
>> Some great advice here. Here's my 2c.
>> I love the pyrex cups, but they don't pour well in some cases.
>> OTOH: Oxo makes a series of plastic cups with soft handles that have
>> angled measuring scales so you can see how much is in the cup from the
>> top.
>> Metal (S/S) cups are great, but they are Hell in the microwave.
>> So: I use all three. The ones I use least are the Pyrex types. If I
>> can't pour cleanly, I don't need it.
>> The OXO's are microwave safe, dishwasher safe and easy to read from
>> above. In my area, not cost prohibitive.
>> If I had to give up all except one line, I would opt for the OXO
>> product.
>> Just my 2Cents.
>> Alex
> I have two 2 cup measuring cups, one pyrex, one plastic. I also have
> an 8 cup pyrex one that's great for batters or marinating.
> I don't see the point of a 1 cup measure.
Easier to get the right amount of water in my grits in the morning,
> Susan B.