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Paul M. Cook Paul M. Cook is offline
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Default Gulf of Mexico seafood prices are bound to drastically rise :((

"Steve B" > wrote in message
> "Paul M. Cook" > wrote in message
> ...
>> "J. Clarke" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> On 4/29/2010 8:31 PM, Sky wrote:
>>>> Pete C. wrote:
>>>>> Sky wrote:
>>>>>> Better get that Gulf of Mexico shrimp and other seafood fast before
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> stocks at the stores are gone. Prices are bound to rise
>>>>>> drastically -
>>>>>> if not already - due to that oil drilling platform fiasco (my
>>>>>> thoughts&
>>>>>> prayers for the workers that died and were injured) there. Not to
>>>>>> mention the horrible ecological impact to the US States on the Gulf,
>>>>>> too
>>>>>> ( What a horrible tragedy in so many ways that will impact so many
>>>>>> for so long.
>>>>> Funny, all reports have indicated minimal potential impact to gulf
>>>>> seafood from the incident. Reports also indicate minimal risk of
>>>>> impact
>>>>> to the shoreline.
>>>>> This isn't like the Exxon Valdeze, where millions of gallons of crude
>>>>> were released close to shore with no warning, this is far out in the
>>>>> gulf, with many days of warning and preparation time for containment,
>>>>> and the heavy congealed oil doesn't seem to be getting close to shore,
>>>>> just the light sheen which evaporates and isn't a significant risk.
>>>> Would you want to bet on it ?? The evening national TV news (CBS)
>>>> reported the leading edge of the oil slick (already larger than the
>>>> State of Delaware) was just 3-miles off Louisiana's shore (barrier
>>>> islands). The Exxon Valdeze had a limited number of "X" gallons of
>>>> crude oil in its tanks when it went aground due to an inattentive and
>>>> negligent captain, but this sunken off-shore drill platform has a well
>>>> that's still spouting (so to speak) about 50,000 gallons of crude each
>>>> and every day until British Petroleum gets that well capped. It's
>>>> gargantuan (sp?) disaster and its potential impacts will take a long
>>>> time to remediate.
>>> At that rate it will take six months to release as much oil as the Exxon
>>> Valdez.

>> It was reported today, the actual amunt is 5 times the original
>> guestimate. It is at least 200,000 gallons a day. That's 6 million
>> gallons a month and they are saying the well could take 3-4 months to
>> cap.
>> Paul

> From my experience with offshore drilling, I would say 6-8 weeks is
> minimal. Do the flow rate and the math. We're in for a major hit here.

I heard it said that nobody has ever capped a well a mile underwater. BP is
downplaying the fact that they really don't know what to do. They may have
to drill 3 relief wells and that could take much longer than 4 months.

> They still haven't put out the fire. Have you ever tried to position a
> work platform in a fire?

The fire is out. The rig sank 3 days ago.
