Thread: EZ cracker
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Brian Christiansen Brian Christiansen is offline
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Posts: 169
Default EZ cracker

"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> Dan, I happen to know you know how to crack an egg (and even beat an egg)
> without putting it on a cracker and spinner thing. His fascination is
> with infommercial gadgets is rather silly. Of course that's just my
> opinon. I have a food processor (which I rarely use, btw, but some people
> have several of them). I have a blender. I have a stick-blender. I have
> a hand held beater for batters. Do I have a gazillion electric things to
> use for for cooking? Nope. I grew up with basic recipes that don't
> require all sorts of electric gadgets. Sorry if that offends some people.
> I wouldn't know where to store all the stuff some people here say they
> have.

I made comments about TWO kitchen gadgets, neither of which I own or have
any interest in buying. What did I ever say that indicates I have a
fascination with such gadgets. Or when did I ever say I have a "gazillion"
electric things to use for cooking? I neither do nor have ever said
anything that gives any such indication.

Brian Christiansen