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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Gulf of Mexico seafood prices are bound to drastically rise :((

sf <sofat@Obeastie wrote:
>"gloria.p" wrote:
>>Not wanting to sound like a conspiracy theorist, I still wonder if the
>>accident wasn't sabotage geared to make Obama's offshore drilling plan
>>look bad.

>More drilling was a dumb idea.

OIL is a dumb idea. The technology exists for safe/clean,
inexpensive, efficient hydrogen energy... international mega wealth
industries and the politicos in their back pocket is all that stands
in the way. There could have been hydrogen fuel cell driven surface
vehicals thirty years ago... hydrogen fuel cell air transportation
would have been shortly thereafter a reality, as would space travel.

It's far more rational to place resources into R&D for alternative
energy... drilling for more oil is pure pinheadedness. The resources
wasted on this spill alone by the time it's under control and
remediated would have freed the world from oil dependance. What's
needed is change alright, but in a new direction. Drilling for oil is
just more of the same-old... and oil is very finite, then what...
running out of oil will be a lot worse than running out of beer.