Roast ears of corn
>On Apr 29, 1:25*pm, "Steve B" > wrote:
>Here's a method that turns out really yummy.
>Have your grill nice and hot.
>Peel the husk back on the corn cob and take out the silks.
There is no reason to remove the silks from corn cooked in its husks,
the silks will come off easily with the husks when they are removed.
Besides it's a PIA to remove raw silks.... you've never done this,
>Butter the corn and pull the husk back up around the ear again. The
>butter will hold it there.
Most of the butter will become lost to the heat... folks who have done
this before know to butter their corn after it's cooked.
>Put on the grill and turn the ear a few times till the husk begins to
>burn away.
>I usually let the husk char almost completely.
>The corn comes out with a wonderful roasted flavor and still is al
You've never cooked corn, all yours comes out of a can. Anyone who
grills corn knows that the peeled back husks become a handle so one
doesn't burn fingers... you are such a Pinocchio!