A dog
On Sat, 01 May 2010 00:57:13 +1000, Krypsis >
>On 30/04/2010 11:34 PM, notbob wrote:
>> On 2010-04-30, > wrote:
>>> I vote [...] a Caviler King Charles Spaniel...
>> Now that's one I never heard of, despite being a dog show watcher.
>> Had to look it up. Looks like it might have too many health issues,
>> but an otherwise nice looking dog.
>> nb
>The worst thing about Cavalier King Charles Spaniels is that they aren't
>the brightest dog around. Want something intelligent? Go for a Jack
>Russell Terrier. After you've had a Jack, every other dog seems like a
>dumbo. They need a hell of a lot of stimulation though. They are quite
>full on!
Terriers have their own issues. They are meant to pursue and often
catch. It is the only (mixed) breed I was not successful with. They
can be hard-wired and the oddest thing can re-wire them. you have to
be on your toes with a terrier. You want a laid back dog? get a
labrador. Or a golden retriever or a mix of those in a mixed breed
from the shelter. A shelter dog is usually thankful forever.