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Default Strawberry Shortcake Tinkering

Christine Dabney wrote:
> On Fri, 30 Apr 2010 20:21:21 -0700, "Bob Terwilliger"
> > wrote:
>> I've mentioned before that I like a lot of variety in what I eat.
>> Strawberry shortcake is no exception. Sure, I like strawberry
>> shortcake made with a sweetened biscuit as the base. But lately I've
>> been intrigued by the idea of something with a crisp exterior as the
>> base instead.

> Funny you should mention this. I didn't bring one of the Southern
> cookbooks with me that I could have.. But in it was a recipe for
> strawberry shortcake, but using a pecan based shortbread for the usual
> biscuits. I kept on looking at that recipe and going hmmm....
> Christine

When I make strawberry shortcake I make regular baking powder biscuits, but
add 1T sugar and some grated lemon rind per 2 cups of flour. I get the
whipped cream and strawberries ready, and then cook the biscuits, split and
(usually) lightly butter them, and assemble the shortcakes so that the
biscuit is still warm and crisp when served. If a dinner party, I prepare
the biscuit dough up to the point of adding the liquid before dinner and
refrigerate the flour/fat combo.

It requires a pause before dessert, but I think it's worth it.