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Dan Abel Dan Abel is offline
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Default Recipe - OAT BARS/MUFFINS

I got a hankering for these again. I used to make them all the time,
and then stopped. But I couldn't find my recipe. Google didn't have it
any longer. But I finally found a printout, from Google, where I had
posted it to this group in 1992. It's been some time!

I like oatmeal cookies, especially with raisins and nuts, but they are
high in fat and sugar. So I tried to develop something that tasted
similar but with less fat and sugar. I like them, but others may not.
You have been warned! I have made some changes. If you ditch the egg
yolks (keep the whites, though) and add a cup of oat bran, those are the
major changes.


2 eggs
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 t baking soda
1 t cinnamon
1 t nutmeg
1/8 t cloves
pinch of salt
1 t vanilla
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1/2 cup flour
1 cup raisins
1/2 cup nuts (optional)
3 cups oatmeal
extra granulated sugar (optional)

Preheat oven to 325F. Add first nine ingredients to large bowl and mix.
Add other ingredients except oatmeal and extra sugar. Mix again. Add
oatmeal and mix again. It will be very thick. Spoon into 12 muffin
cups. Leave it kind of lumpy if you like nooks and crannies, otherwise
smooth it off. Add a small pinch of granulated sugar to the top of each
muffin. This adds a little texture, but is mostly decorative. Cook for
25 minutes, less if you like them softer.

My recipe says you can also put this in a 9"X12" greased pan for 45
minutes, but I'd watch it carefully. I used to do that (it's a lot
easier than filling those cups) but without the oat bran it would be
pretty thin. I'll bet a smaller pan would work fine, but I haven't
tried that. Maybe next time.

Boy did my kitchen smell good this morning! I used a whole nutmeg, with
our new microplane, which made short work of it.

Dan Abel
Petaluma, California USA