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Terry Pulliam Burd[_4_] Terry Pulliam Burd[_4_] is offline
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Posts: 441
Default Pineapple & chicken

On Sat, 1 May 2010 14:40:47 -0700, "Dimitri" >

>Well at the Albertsons yesterday - Chicken Leg quarters in a 10 Lb frozen
>pack for $0.57 cents per pound and pineapples for $0.69 cents each - I
>think that a good bargain.
>So grilled chicken legs Greek style (lemon & garlic) and grilled fresh

Ya want to jazz up the pineapple to dessert level, sprinkle a little
brown sugar over the pineapple, then drizzle some Kahlua over all.

Terry "Squeaks" Pulliam Burd


"If the soup had been as warm as the wine,
if the wine had been as old as the turkey,
and if the turkey had had a breast like the maid,
it would have been a swell dinner." Duncan Hines

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