Recipe Software
pure kona wrote:
> Sorry, I know many of you have said your favorite software to have
> recipes on, but is it Master Cook? My grand daughters are coming in a
> month and I have decided to take all the old crummy, dirty-from-use
> recipes that I have kept on recipe cards (in a recipe box I made in
> shop in 8th grade-if you can believe) and want my grand daughters to
> put them on the software you all recommend.
> We have very old family recipes and this way, they can have their own
> copies etc. and I can keep them some what busy as well. Win-win!
> BTW I have Vista and I read one of the reviews said Vista doesn't work
> well with one of the software programs- one of the many choices.
> TIA- so much.
> aloha,
> Cea
Yes, I think many like Master Cook and new version which runs on vista
is out.