Fava Beans are here!
On Sat, 1 May 2010 19:40:41 -0700, "Bob Terwilliger"
> wrote:
>Lin wrote:
>> Speaking of the farmers market ... not sure if you went poking around the
>> fridges, but I purchased FAVA BEANS! A big honkin' bunch for you to shell!
>I'm at work as I read this, so I haven't seen the size of the big honkin'
>bunch, but I'm guessing it's not as big as I'd like it to be: about 95% of a
>fava bean is wasted. A typical supermarket shopping bag would hold about a
>gallon and a half of fava beans in the shell. After shelling and shucking,
>that would leave just over ONE CUP of ready-to-use fava beans. I consider
>that to be about one serving, if it's just by itself.
Trust me. It's a BIG bunch. Lin almost bought them out of
them...that's how much she got.