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Bob Terwilliger[_1_] Bob Terwilliger[_1_] is offline
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Default Strawberry Shortcake Tinkering

dsi1 wrote:

>>> I have never made a strawberry shortcake with a biscuit type base.
>>> Perhaps I should try it one day. When I would make this decades ago, I'd
>>> use a milk spongecake. Boy, did I make a tasty spongecake! Nowdays, if I
>>> were to make it, I'd probably poke a few holes on the top and dump on a
>>> syrup of condensed milk and milk and then create a strawberry shortcake
>>> with this faux tres-leches base. That would be tasty! Of course, all
>>> that milk would probably kill me - what a way to go!

>> No, no, no, no,no NO!!!! That is not least not to this
>> GRITS girl. Gotta have the biscuits... Please try can be a
>> real revelation..

> Well I can make sweet biscuits easily enough. I used to be into biscuits
> served with uncooked strawberry jam. Man, that was tasty! I never have
> made biscuits with butter and cream. That certainly would be tasty. I have
> made scones with butter and cream - that was tasty. I guess I could
> assemble a strawberry shortcake with scones. :-)

Based on what you've had previously under the guise of strawberry shortcake,
it's possible that you wouldn't like a scone-based shortcake: It's not
NEARLY as light as what you're used to.

> Paula Deen's strawberry shortcake recipe starts out with an angel food
> cake - how strange is that?

As far as I can tell, Paula Deen is a genuinely sweet lady. But (bless her
heart!) her cooking does not appeal to me at all. It does surprise me that
she deviates so far from the customary Southern biscuit for strawberry
shortcake; I'd thought she was more steeped in tradition than that.
