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Default Gulf of Mexico seafood prices are bound to drastically rise :((

On May 1, 10:20*am, (Steve Pope) wrote:

> Lessee. *Italians are perfectly happy using 3100 kg of oil-equivalent
> per year, instead of the 7800 Americans are using. *So yes,
> conserve, don't drive your SUV, eat less meat, consume less in
> general and we won't have to drill.

Italians have a much smaller country. They don't have to have their
products shipped all over the country. They probably don't need to
drive as far.

Also, even if we did reduce the level to theirs, how do we stop using

Even if we found some new magical way to run cars, how would we
convert all the cars? There are a lot of people who can't afford a
brand new car, especially a more expensive one. Especially when they
have one that runs fine. So, how do we suddenly replace millions of
cars that can run by other means? Regardless of what the new methods
are, the transition will be a slow one as people replace their cars.
Poorer people will be buying their cars used from people who can
afford to upgrade.

Right now, we need oil. And coal. Even those electric cars are
powering up from electricity provided by coal.

Since we currently need a lolt of oil, doesn't make sense to buy our
own, which creates more jobs for Americans, rather than buying it from
our enemies?