Oxygen absorbers
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Oxygen absorbers
(Cwdjrx _) wrote in message >...
> Ascorbic acid also will combine
> with oxygen. It often is added to fruit before freezing to prevent
> browning. Ascorbic acid, aka Vitamin C, is needed by all of us and
> tolerated in fairly large amounts. However it is not as good a
> disinfectant as SO2.
Actually, ascorbic acid has been discounted as a long term
anti-oxidant for wine. I can't remember the details, but it actually
contributed to oxidation after a period of time. I could probably dig
up the details if anyone is interested.
I don't think many (if any) wine makers are currently using it.
Supposedly, it's ok to use ascorbic acid in combination with SO2, but
then why not just use SO2.
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