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Michael Horowitz Michael Horowitz is offline
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Posts: 104
Default hollandaise; clarified butter?

On Sun, 02 May 2010 06:44:42 -0700, koko > wrote:

>On Sun, 02 May 2010 07:31:59 -0400, Michael Horowitz
> wrote:
>>Gonna try a hollandaise.
>>recipies vary whether to use clarified of unclarified butter.
>>pros/cons? - Mike

>I am too Michael. The recipe I am going to use is from the Silver
>Palate Cookbook.
>I calls for melted butter, not clarified, but here's what it says when
>the butter is to be added to the eggs, "Incorporate all the butter,
>but leave the milky residue behind"
>Sounds to me like you should use clarified or just be real careful
>when whisking it into the eggs.

koko - I was being just a bit disengeneous. I'm making hamburgers
tonite just so I have an excuse to make my first bearnaise, which as
you know is simply a reduction added to the hollandaise. Sides =
roasted potatoes, using Montreal Steak seasoning in the place of
S&P&Rosemary - Mike
PS - it was so easy to clarify (3 mins in microwave + a few seconds
removing foam) that it really didn't matter; beside I can use the
clarified butter for anything - Mike