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Mark Thorson Mark Thorson is offline
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Default Dried Squid (was: Truffle Salt)

Sqwertz wrote:
> ObFood: Shredded spicy dried squid ($1.50 for 4 ozes, and 80% as
> good as beef jerky). Why do they even sell whole dried squid
> (ranging in price from $4 to $25 a 3-pack) Wouldn't that be like
> making jerky from Kobe beef? Call me squid-ignorant.

It's harvested and dried in Asia, then sent here.
I suppose they could freeze it and then send it here,
but that would require equipment, energy investment,
and refrigerated transportation that they might not
be prepared to undertake. That squid could have
been harvested by some guys on a sailboat and dried
in the sun on woven grass mats. Even if they could
send us frozen squid, they would have to compete
with domestic squid production. I believe the U.S.
is a net exporter of squid.

In my opinion, the shredded dried cuttlefish is
better than the squid. It has a more delicate
texture. Squid is tougher.