Feliz Cinco De Mayo
On 5/2/2010 5:08 PM, dsgood wrote:
>> OK....before we even start...I KNOW that Cinco de Mayo is not for
>> three days...yes..that is right it is Wednesday.
> In Minneapolis, the celebration is today -- the same day as the May Day
> Parade.
Last May Day celebration I attended was in Istanbul, the soldiers were
busy hunting Communists who had adopted May Day as their own holiday. I
asked a Turk soldier what they did when they caught one decorating a
statue of Ataturk and he told me they usually just killed them. We shook
hands and parted. May 1, 1985.
As an aside, when I was a kid in the late forties, early fifties we
always had a Maypole at school and danced around it and a mini-carnival,
sort of an end to the cold winter holiday. Haven't seen that in a very
long time. I must be getting really old.