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Terry Pulliam Burd[_4_] Terry Pulliam Burd[_4_] is offline
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Posts: 441
Default hollandaise; clarified butter?

On Sun, 02 May 2010 16:44:15 -0700, koko > wrote:

>Sounds like a great meal. Bearnaise is yet another sauce I'd like to

FWIW, I never bother clarifying the butter for hollandaise. Early on,
I clarified it, but didn't do it because was in a hurry one time and
later couldn't tell the difference.

> We are grilling tonight, not sure what sides yet.

We're grilling, too! Pork ribs were on sale and white corn made its
first appearance at Ralph's. The first corn of the season is usually a
disappointment, but I can never resist the attempt.

Terry "Squeaks" Pulliam Burd


"If the soup had been as warm as the wine,
if the wine had been as old as the turkey,
and if the turkey had had a breast like the maid,
it would have been a swell dinner." Duncan Hines

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