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Jean B.[_1_] Jean B.[_1_] is offline
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Default In Boston? Don't drink the water!

Dan Abel wrote:
> In article >,
> Janet Baraclough > wrote:
>> Jean, if you have a hot shower, or draw piping hot bath/basin water
>> from the hot tap and let it cool, the heating of the water will
>> have killed any bacterial contamination.

> This does not sound like a good idea. Temperatures sufficient to kill
> the contaminants will also destroy your skin. The above cite says 70C
> (158F) for one half hour. Then you've got the contaminated water in
> your pipes. The warning notice on the side of my water heater says that
> 160F water will cause 2nd and 3rd degree burns on adult skin in .5
> seconds. If you let it cool to 150F, you get all of 1.5 seconds. I
> don't want 40 gallons of water sitting around that will burn people.
> The water heater is simply not designed for water heat treatment.
>> So will boiling your drinking
>> water. Use boiled water for cleaning teeth.

> This is a good idea.

I am wondering about the pipes. Even use of the toilets obviously
brings that water into the pipes.... So when one can use the tap
water again, I imagine one would have to somehow deal with that.
Shoulda just camped at the other house, I guess, although that
would be hard with the workers there wreaking havoc.

Jean B.