Thread: Dinner tonight
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koko koko is offline
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Default Dinner tonight

On Sun, 02 May 2010 19:36:28 -0700, Serene Vannoy
> wrote:

>Made the egg noodles at
>http://www.choosingvoluntarysimplici...e-egg-noodles/ with
>half all-purpose flour, half white flour. Used the food processor to
>bring the dough together, but couldn't find the crank for my pasta
>machine, so I rolled them out by hand. They were outstanding.
>Simmered some pork sausages (with cilantro, green pepper, and garlic)
>with butter, onions, celery, and carrots while I made the noodles, then
>served that over the buttered/salted noodles with a dollop of sour cream
>on top.
>Wow. So good.
>James said, "This is the best food I've ever eaten in my life," but then
>he was exhausted and hungry, and doesn't food always taste best when
>you're exhausted and hungry? :-)

Sounds wonderful, can't beat homemade noodles.


There is no love more sincere than the love of food
George Bernard Shaw
updated 05/01/10