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George Shirley George Shirley is offline
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Default Gulf of Mexico seafood prices are bound to drastically rise :((

On 5/3/2010 9:58 AM, Becca wrote:
> On 5/2/2010 2:47 AM, sf wrote:
>> An ecological disaster is an ecological disaster, whether it comes
>> from a tanker, an oil rig or a volcano... but it's not happening in
>> Pete's back yard so it's okay.

> The Deepwater Horizon explosion is a disaster on many levels; 11 workers
> were killed and 17 were injured. I worry about the impact this oil spill
> will have on the wetlands, the animals, birds and seafood.
> My family has been in the oil business for 4 generations, the worst
> disaster is my father lost one finger. Oh, I forgot about my BIL, the
> pipes fell on him and he was in the hospital for almost a year. It is a
> dangerous business.
> Becca

My family too Becca, me, father, grandfather, great grandfather. None of
us was ever injured on the job, none killed on the job. Although my
grandfather fell over dead from a massive heart attack at the tunnel
gate at the Mobil refinery in Beaumont, TX in 1946. The men in my line
generally die of either strokes or heart attacks.

Forty-seven years in the oil industry, thirty-one of them in industrial
safety, and I've only seen two people die from on-the-job accidents and
both of those were preventable and caused by human failure, ie. dumb-ass
stuff that wouldn't kill anyone if they weren't careless.