Feliz Cinco De Mayo
On 2010-05-02 15:36:23 -0700, George Shirley said:
> Last May Day celebration I attended was in Istanbul, the soldiers were
> busy hunting Communists who had adopted May Day as their own holiday. I
> asked a Turk soldier what they did when they caught one decorating a
> statue of Ataturk and he told me they usually just killed them.
Those Turks--what kidders! "Hello, Johnny; what is your name?"
> We shook hands and parted. May 1, 1985.
> As an aside, when I was a kid in the late forties, early fifties we
> always had a Maypole at school and danced around it and a
> mini-carnival, sort of an end to the cold winter holiday. Haven't seen
> that in a very long time. I must be getting really old.
You've just skewed the mean age here up by 20 minutes.
If you limit your actions in life to things that nobody can possibly
find fault with, you will not do much. -- Lewis Carroll