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Steve Freides[_2_] Steve Freides[_2_] is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 1,879
Default Kinds of sugar for simple syrup

Hi, new poster here (I think - may have been here before a few months

I make bubble tea at home, and for this I make a simple syrup in which
to soak the "boba," which are the "pearls," basically little ball of
tapioca starch. It's just equal parts sugar and water, heated until the
sugar has dissolved enough that the liquid is clear.

I'm using plain, old sugar right now, and I know there are other kinds,
e.g., I see something called "sugar in the raw" in the grocery store.
We try to eat as healthily as we can and if there's another kind of
sugar that's somehow better for my purpose, please tell me what it is.

