Strawberries today
In article >,
Lin > wrote:
>Bob Terwilliger wrote:
>> I feel exactly the same way. I am completely willing to do without
>> rather than settle for inferior strawberries. I think Lin is starting to
>> come around to my way of thinking, after seeing how much better local
>> berries are than the nasty ones we get from Watsonville -- even in the
>> farmers' market.
Well, it won't be long for you now. I'm getting Yolo berries in my farm
box. WOOHOO!
>Speaking of the farmers market ... not sure if you went poking around
>the fridges, but I purchased FAVA BEANS! A big honkin' bunch for you to
>shell! Also carrots, two nice bunches of asparagus, gorgeous halibut and
>red snapper fillets, and some Black Truffle Salt from the Spicy Ladies.
>I'm certain you noticed the flat of strawberries from our little local
>stand. Christine split those with me. Apricots might be ready in about
>three weeks, too.
Some things are going to be a little late this year. Anyone depending on
the commercial tomato fields grown in the Yolo Causeway is going to have
to wait; when I was over it ten days ago, it still had water on it.
Whoda thunk?