Wild Onions - Maybe Ramps?
On Mon, 3 May 2010 12:45:34 -0700 (PDT), ImStillMags wrote:
> do ramps grow in your area? They are very "garlicy", so did you
> smell garlic with the onion smell? If so they probably were ramps,
> if not, then wild onions.
I don't know. That's why I was thinking they may be ramps because I
know they grow wild in some states, but I've never seen a ramp. Or
seen them for sale anywhere.
Hopefully somebody from the austin.gardening group knows, but it's a
pretty dead group there lately.
They were very strong and somewhat garlicky, yes. I didn't even
consider ramps until somebody posted a picture of them in
alt.food.binaries the other day and I thought that maybe that's what
we have here in TX, too.