On Tue, 04 May 2010 05:00:49 -0500, Andy wrote:
> Geordie Guy > wrote:
>> On 4/05/2010 11:04 AM, Andy wrote:
>>> Geordie Guy > wrote:
>>>> Absolutely the answer to all your recipe storage program problems:
>>>> www.evernote.com
>>> Andy
>> Did you want to elaborate or just yell cursewords? Because either's
>> cool... it'd just be more fun if you did the former.
> The answer is simple.
> In this day and age, I value my privacy more than ever.
> In my pocket will always be much more secure than putting my files into
> some online information archival pool like Evernote. I'm much better at
> it than they claim to be!
> Andy
those upskirt girl scout pics might be a tad embarrassing.