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Doug Freyburger Doug Freyburger is offline
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Default The Times Sq bomb - guess what?

Juan Anonly wrote:
> Yeah! And why don't they call Timothy McVeigh a "Christian Terrorist"?
> Or the Muslim Terrorists that bombed the WTC--Why don't they call them
> Saudi Terrorists?

Depends on which they you mean. I've heard all of those terms at one
time or another.

> Perhaps they're waiting to find if the rationale was Talibani Jihadist,
> Pakistani Nationalist, Americani Disgruntlist or something even more
> hip!

On the news this morning they showed a picture of his house that had
been foreclosed. It would be double plus ungood for this to become a
general cause for suspicion.

On the news they also showed the sign of the company he worked at.
Ajilon is a large IT consultant company. They used to be top 50 in the
field but I haven't checked their size lately. I'm an IT consultant at
a smaller company in the field. We IT consultants tend to travel a lot.