Recipe Software
On 06 May 2010 09:03:20 GMT, sandi > wrote:
>"Ed Pawlowski" > wrote in
>> There is no "classic view" that I'm aware of and IMO, not
>> needed. It would be like buying a new Lamborghini and
>> transplanting the engine from the old Ford station wagon into
>> it. I stopped using the 8 track tape a while back too!
>Thats too bad. I like the simple things in life.
>To me it would be like buying a new care with a manual transmission
>and not with an automatic. <G>
>Too much of the graphics and other goodies is what needs all that
>memory. <shrug> Oh well.. I have to upgrade someday and I have
>been waiting to step up but wanted a more stable OS.
>Thanks Ed.
There is a classic view in Win 7...I am using it now. I never liked
that garish look of the later I always switch to a
classic view.