No Milk (Was: Harnessing the sun to keep milk fresh : A storyfrom Goa)
On May 6, 11:39*am, Sidney Lambe >
> >> Tofu cheese is better than dairy-based cheese. As a diabetic,
> >> you probably already knew that.
> Who needs cheese? Why do supposed plant product eaters try to emulate
> animal product eaters?
Would you want this be answered by Dr Jai Maharaj?
> Tofu cheese is gross. It is disgusting. It isn't even cheese.
> There are _much_ better things to do with tofu.
> > Tell us how Rural economy of India can be sustained without any
> > animal husbandary?
> Why should he answer stupid questions like that?
I did ask him several times what doctorate he received from what
university in what year with what name?
He has remained quiet.
To the question "how Rural economy of India can be sustained without
any animal husbandry?" he needs to reply because he claims to be an
Engineer trained at India's premier Institue of Technology at Delhi
which was established primarily to improve the lot of Indian people
most of whom live in rural regions of which 60% have no land and so
are not farmers but do keep a cow, a buffalo, a goat, to provide them
with some protein.
> No one needs to
> engage in animal husbandry anywhere. They are farmers. They can
> grow anything. There are hundreds of commercial crops to choose
> from.
There are lands in India which cannot be cultivated and cultivation
activity needs reducing to keep, reintroduce vegitation cover on the
land for getting back to climate that is contrubuting less to global
> Better yet, they can use their land to support themselves
> directly, growing grains and legumes and veggies and oilseeds
> and nut and fruit trees and sugar plants and fiber plants and
> so on. They can make their own energy from plant sources:
> methane/alcohol/woodgas....
> Milk is for babies. Cow's milk is for cow babies. Buffalo milk
> is for buffalo babies. *This is what a REAL scientist would
> conclude after examining the evidence. Of course, common sense
> will do the job just as well.
If what you are saying gets established there is no need for milking
animals, is there?
> Sid