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Kate Connally[_2_] Kate Connally[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 574
Default I made some great hushpuppies yesterday! (with recipe)

On 5/6/2010 7:58 AM, piedmont wrote:
> "David Harmon" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On Wed, 05 May 2010 13:59:22 -0400 in, Kate Connally
>> > wrote,
>>> Technically I guess hushpuppies would be considered a type of fritter.

>> That is my interpretation as well. Fritter is a broader category of any
>> kind of savory fried batter thing, that includes hush puppies, corn
>> pone, etc.. (but probably not doughnuts?)

> It looks like most of the web sources say a fritter is a food of some
> sort in a batter, such as fruit or veggy where a HP doesn't have to
> encase anything, sooo, technically once you start adding onion,
> habernero, cheese or bacon to a HP it then magically tranforms into a
> fritter! but as I said earlier I never saw a flat HP but always see a
> flat fritter, Oh my!
> I say we here at rfc step up and straighten this mess out by declaring a
> HP must have corn meal and not be flat but can contain bits of food, and
> a fritter must have food bits, be made entirely with a wheat flour
> batter and be pancake shapped! There it is! Go forth and spread the good
> news children!

I've seen lots of fritters that are round and not flat. Or at least
an irregular blob. We used to make corn fritters that were fried in
a skillet like a pancake, but I've seen many kinds of fritters that are
gobs of dough dropped into hot oil in a deep-fryer and they come out
more or less round. I've also seen plenty of flat fritters. Anyway,
fritter just means fried. You can have fritters like hushpuppies or
akara which are just a batter and you can have fritters in which there
are pieces of whatever (fruit, veg., meat, etc.) in a batter. They can
be fried in a skillet in patty shapes or they can be deep-fried in a
ball shape.


Kate Connally
“If I were as old as I feel, I’d be dead already.”
Goldfish: “The wholesome snack that smiles back,
Until you bite their heads off.”
What if the hokey pokey really *is* what it's all about?