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Default Feliz Cinco De Mayo

On 2010-05-06 11:56:56 -0700, dsi1 said:

> On 5/5/2010 9:34 AM, gtr wrote:
>> On 2010-05-05 10:55:12 -0700, James Silverton said:
>>> aem wrote on Wed, 5 May 2010 10:26:03 -0700 (PDT):
>>>> On May 4, 6:51 pm, Janet Wilder > wrote:
>>>> [snips]
>>>>> The blender thing is for tourists. [snips]
>>>> It's true that I usually prefer them without salt and straight
>>>> up and your recipe is right on. But the blender thing is for
>>>> parties, not just for tourists. They're more festive, so best
>>>> suited for (even a fake) holiday like Cinco de Mayo.
>>> It's pretty real. The holiday of Cinco De Mayo, The 5th Of May,
>>> commemorates the victory of the Mexican militia over the French army
>>> at The Battle Of Puebla in 1862. My desk diary even says "Battle of
>>> Puebla (M)".

>> My wife was telling me that she didn't encounter much Cinco de Mayo
>> noise the years she lived in Mexico, or in California either. She
>> believes it's a "bar/restaurant holiday".

> My understanding is that it's a fake holiday and it's mostly an excuse
> to drink your guts out in the US. Yay for drinking your guts out! In
> Japan and over here, the fifth day of the fifth month is boys day. The
> third day of the third month is girls day. My son was born on boy's day
> which is probably a good sign. He calls his birthday "Cinco De Michael."

It's good to be born on a holiday. I was born on Halloween. And what
ever the projected gag--I've heard it.
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