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Bob Terwilliger[_1_] Bob Terwilliger[_1_] is offline
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Posts: 11,044
Default Dinner tonight Wed28th

Ostap wrote:

>>>>> My town (Petaluma) has had a long reputation for quality duck. Some of
>>>>> the fanciest restaurants in San Francisco use the name as part of the
>>>>> name of their specialty duck dishes.

>>>> Petaluma chicken was mentioned by name on the menu when Lin and I went
>>>> out for dinner last night. It was half a small chicken pan-roasted and
>>>> served with baby artichokes and potatoes, with a grainy mustard cream.


>>> Bob, are you sure that duck and chicken are the same thing?

>> No, but since I never stated that they were the same thing, only a
>> complete idiot would make that leap of stupidity.

> Then why did you talk about Petaluma chicken in response to the post about
> Petaluma duck? The same locale adjective in front of both?

Yes. Sorry, I thought it was obvious, but apparently it was only obvious to
everyone but you.
