Thread: Weight Watchers
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Nancy2 Nancy2 is offline
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Default Weight Watchers

On May 7, 8:52*am, "Virginia Tadrzynski" > wrote:
> Okay, who here has tried this program? NutraSystem? Jenny Craig? What are
> the pros and cons.......
> -ginny

My DIL and son do Weigh****chers and it works for them. Most people I
know who have used WW have been very successful. But I think it's
like smoking - you have to really want to make it work, no matter what
program it is. Jennifer Hudson's commercial is very compelling.

My SIL does one web-based calorie-counting - "My Diet," or My Daily
Diet," or something like that - it worked great for her.

I note Jenny Craig doesn't have a real good celebrity image - Kirstie
Alley, Queen Latifah - seem not to have been terribly successful, or
have stopped the regimen.

Nutrisystem seems successful - now they have separate programs for
diabetics and for seniors. Not every program works for every person,
so you'll just have to pick one and stick to it.
