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Doug Freyburger Doug Freyburger is offline
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Default Kinds of sugar for simple syrup

Steve Freides wrote:
> Bob Terwilliger wrote:
>> Are you equating "less processed" with "more healthy"?

> Yes.
>> If so, why?

> Why should I not be?

Because sugar is unhealthy so with sugar less is healthier. Refined
sugar is processed so unrefined sugar is called foods like beets or cane
stems or bananas or dates. You've already mentioned that you don't have
these drinks for health reasons so don't worry about the relative health
of various types of refined sugar that are all very close to the same
degree of unhealthy.

Also you convert your sugar to syrup so the texture of the granular
types does not apply for this case. There's no point in confectioners
fine powder.

Go with the type with the better flavor and leave it at that. The ones
that are colored are'nt as refined as the white kind so they have
flavors other than just sweet.