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Omelet[_7_] Omelet[_7_] is offline
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Default The cesspool

In article >,
"Bob Terwilliger" > wrote:

> Om wrote:
> > I'm not trying to moderate. Just exercising my First Amendment rights.
> > ;-)
> >
> > You are welcome to do so also, and I've the right to disagree and state
> > that you are being an asshole!

> Once again with your double-standard hypocrisy. Why can't you accept MY
> First Amendment rights?

I think I just did.
And I am also free to disagree! ;-)
And yes, I am having fun and have no qualms about admitting it.

> Under the argument YOU JUST BROUGHT FORTH, I have the right to say whatever
> I want to say about Stu and his shitty site.

Yes, you do. And I am also free to call you an asshole. <g>

> You are certainly entitled to
> disagree, but you're not simply disagreeing. What you are actually TRYING to
> do is get me to stop pointing out the shortcomings of
> You're trying to moderate, in other
> words. You are a hypocrite, for that reason.

As are you dear...
This disagreement is cyclical.

Are we having fun yet?

> I also have the right to state that in choosing to ally yourself with
> scumbags like Stu-pid and clueless AOL newbie Sheldon "Pussy" Katz, you are
> being a complete scumbag!
> Bob

<shrugs> If that is what you wish to believe, that is your right.

And I have the right to say that you are being an asshole.
As for Katz, we are not discussing him right now.
That is a totally separate argument.

Few people here have called ME a bad cook (or you either for that
matter) so I'm sure we can at least agree on that.

You have taken it into your head for some oddball reason to hate Stu'.
I have to wonder if you are anti-capitalist but as far as I can see,
Stu' is not making money off of his website so is not spamming.

I accuse you of being un-American for being so mean. He has a right to
capitalize on his extensive knowledge of American lifestyles and cooking
in general if he can, but he is overlooking a lot of internet marketing
opportunities that I have personally spent a lot of money learning about.

Who are you to deny him that right and try to cut him down?

I once again challenge you to put up YOUR OWN personal cooking website
to compete.

Can you do so or are you too lazy?
Peace! Om

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