Weight Watchers
Om wrote:
> I have yet to see your "art" other than some really oddball recipes.
> I see no pics. Did you actually make them or just imagine them?
So you *are* taking lessons from clueless AOL newbie Sheldon "Pussy" Katz?
Or are you now a disciple of projectile vomit lardass?
Yes, if I post that I've made something, I actually did make it. Sometimes
pictures are posted on Facebook. I don't post pictures of every meal because
I'm not a narcissist.
If you are unwilling to join Facebook, that's *your* problem, not mine.
Others have seen the photos, and some of them have even eaten the food I
prepared. I have no interest at all in broadcasting my cooking photos to the
entire world. I don't care whether you believe I cooked those things or not,
and having photos on a web site wouldn't conclusively prove it anyway.