Weight Watchers
On May 7, 9:52*am, "Virginia Tadrzynski" > wrote:
> Okay, who here has tried this program? NutraSystem? Jenny Craig? What are
> the pros and cons.......
> -ginny
I have seen wonderful results from WW. Maybe you can just get their
cookbooks and go from there?
I have gained no weight in 40 years. I attribute this to:
daily exercise - join a gym - the expense will keep you going there,
quit buying junk snacks - limit soda drastically,
quit eating in fast food joints,
cook as close to scratch as you can,
no second helpings,
no skipping meals,
NO eating after 7 pm,
let dessert be a treat once in a while,
shop the periphery,
assemble a lot of low cal low fat recipes.
I don't limit carbs, and I am vigilant on saturated fats.
Nutrisystem is awful - expensive and everything seems to have tomatos.