The cesspool called (was: REC Sweet Potato Pie Toppedwith Rum Whipped Cream)
Omelet wrote:
> In article >,
> Mark Thorson > wrote:
> > Stu wrote:
> > >
> > > Have you tried any of the recipes Bryan,
> > > if not you're in no position to point fingers.
> >
> > You obviously haven't tried many or perhaps even
> > all of the recipes you post. You post crap just
> > to pimp your sorry web site.
> So where the hell is YOUR website to compare Mark? You have no idea how
> much work building and maintaining one is.
That's like saying you have to be elected President
to criticize Obama. Stu just harvests random recipes,
most of them crap, and puts them up.
To be even a passable food web site, he'd have to TRY
every recipe and only post the good ones, or at least
rate the recipes by how good they are. He doesn't
do any of that. I doubt he even cooks at all.
> Until you have a basis of comparison, STFU!
> Put up or shut up.
> I freakin' DARE YOU TO TRY IT!!!
Did you take an Andy pill or something?