Thread: Weight Watchers
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Bob Terwilliger[_1_] Bob Terwilliger[_1_] is offline
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Posts: 11,044
Default Weight Watchers

Om wrote:

>> Give me a *reason* to build a web site.

> I don't need to. You have already stated it, in Spades.

No, I have given reasons *not* to build a web site. You're the one who wants
me to build one: Why should I?

>> How much money will you give me to
>> do it? "Daring" me isn't going to motivate me.
>> Put up or shut up.
>> Bob

> Why should I devote my hard earned money to prove you a hypocrite?
> I can do that for free. ;-)

Yeah, you talk real big, but you've proven nothing. Summer is coming on, and
there will be the inevitable rash of kids who die because their parents
leave them in the car while they run into the store for "just a few
minutes." When confronted, some of those parents will say, "You can't
criticize me unless you have kids of your own." That's logically IDENTICAL
to the argument you're putting forth. I'm sure that you already know that,
and you're just trying to bait me. It's not going to work. You have to give
me a REAL reason to build the web site.

> Just because you are too lazy to compete fairly...
> I think you are jealous of Stu's site because you can't afford to launch
> one?

Yep, lazy and indigent, that's me. As you surely know, comparing cooking
posts to cooking posts *is* competing fairly. You're just being
argumentative, even though you know your cause is lost. You must REALLY be
