Wine coolers vs. cellars
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Wine coolers vs. cellars
in article
, skategoat25 at
wrote on 12/10/03 8:07 PM:
> Hi. I'm not sure I understand the difference between a wine cooler and a
> wine cellar. I'm talking about stand-alone, refrigerator-like units. I've
> seen some people refer to them as cellars and some refer to them as coolers.
> Is there a difference?
> Also, is humidity controlled on these units as well as temperature?
> Is there anything wrong with starting out with one of the cheap Costco
> units? I have a few bottles of nice wines I picked up in Tuscany a couple
> of years ago and I'd like to make sure they are stored properly.
While I'm sure there are purists who might disagree, I think that any
reasonably good quality wine refrigerator (cellar) will meet your needs
well. I don't believe the term 'cooler', as used in this newsgroup, refers
to anything other than a stand-alone refrigerator/cellar (though I could be
mistaken about that).
I've just bought my daughter the VinoTemp stainless Steel 60-bottle units
currently being sold by CostCo here in California in honor of her earning a
Masters Degree on her own nickel. They're getting just under $400 for a
unit that seems to be pretty much the same as the one VinoTemp sells direct
for $595. There may be some technical differences, but the CostCo unit
appears to be a very good value. My 200-bottle VinoTemp has served me well
for the past 5 years.
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